Always Open to Donations of Money or Railroad and Steam Machinery and History

We are always open to donations of old railroad and steam historical machinery and memorabilia. If you are looking to clear out your house or storage to make room for new collections, please think about us. As we grow the collection we will be giving credit on our displays in

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End of 2021 Last minute Donations

We are now a 501.c.3 Official Organization.We set up a quick PayPal credit card and online PayPal account system to help us get started. Please let us know what you think and we will improve over time. Thank you in Advance for considering to donate to our new Museum. Donate

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Small Item: Shackle Seal PRR Patent USA102481815

Acquisition Shackle Seal PRR Patent USA102481815 Acquired: 11/19/2021 from Facebook marketplace and donated by Greg Mester. Story from seller is that the 28 pieces were a part of an estate sale. The marking on the tie include: PRR MKN with a numbering sequence We have 28 units in all. U.S.

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goal steam railcar speeder

Building Steam Powered Rail Car Speeder

Building a Steam Powered Rail Car Speeder and Donations Needed

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End of Tax Year Matching Campaign

Greg Mester Jr. and Family is offering a $1,000 total matching end of tax year donation campaign to the Museum. So if someone donates $50 he will donate $50. Then if someone else donates $100 he will donate $100 until his total donation reaches $1,000. So in this example the

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Articles of Incorporation-Nonprofit

Philadelphia Railroad and Steam Works Museum, Inc. Articles of Incorporation-Nonprofit The name of the corporation is: Philadelphia Railroad and Steam Works Museum, Inc. The (a) address of this corporation’s current registered office in this Commonwealth or (b) name of its commercial registered office provider and the county of venue is:

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BYLAWS OF PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD AND STEAM WORKS MUSEUM, INC. These Bylaws are adopted by this Non-Profit Corporation and are supplemental to the Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law of 1988, as amended, as the same shall from time to time be in effect. ARTICLE I.  NAME AND SEAL Section 101.  Name. The

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