Building Steam Powered Rail Car Speeder

We are gathering equipment for out Steam Powered Rail Car and we can use your help with Donations to build the balance.

Starting with our 1st Purchase an Old Rail Cart
We Just got our Steam Engine a Stuart Turner Steam Engine 6A compound Engine

Next is getting the Steam Boiler and we want to get an ASME Stamped version so we can operate and take passengers maybe in a second car.

ASME “S”Stamped Code Steam Boilers
Our Goal is something like this!

We are now a 501.c.3 Official Organization.
We set up a quick PayPal credit card and online PayPal account system to help us get started. Please let us know what you think and we will improve over time. Thank you in Advance for considering to donate to our new Museum.

We are looking to raise $15K for the Boiler and another $3K to finish the speeder and build a 2nd car for passengers.

Anything you can donate is appreciated and tax deductible.

Donate $25, $50, $100 or any amount you Like, Please Try our Donation Button Below

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